Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Filming Blog: Changing My Location

Filming Blog:

 On October 28th I filmed my commercial. The location I planned to film on completely changed from downtown near the beach to my home. This was due to time sake and difficulty with transportation. I did not realize how complex that would make my filming process, so I settled for the front yard of my home. This is a pro and con because the setting is not as satisfying and you could see a lot of unnecessary items in the background. The pro is its convenience and filming at my home allowed me to gather all my actors without needing to limit how long we filmed. 

The first thing I did to prep for my commercial was gather equipment, this included: all the crocs I own, a jump rope, cleaning and using a basketball, and prepping my tripod. My actors arrived and they all worn their own crocs as well. The variety of colors and designs were helpful in showcase the diversity in shoes, which I did use to my advantage. Based off my equipment, you can see I change to sports ball I used from a volleyball to a basketball, simply because that's what I had on hand.

The actual process went pretty smoothly, this was with the help of my storyboard. My story board was executed pretty accurately and I only had to make one or two changes/ additions to the scenes. I am doing this project by myself meaning I played the role of director and camera man. I was able to direct my actors properly, in a way that followed my storyboard and carried out my vision. All of my scenes called for a reshoot for one of two reasons: either I wanted a different shot or angle of the activity or I didn't like how the actor carried out the scene. One thing I found helpful in filming was to let the camera role as we redid certain activities, instead of stopping and restarting the camera. This gave me more footage to work with and saved the hassle of resetting the scene/ camera. Also, I used the grass in my front yard as a setting for this film and I found myself having to clear out many fallen leaves, so that was a constant chore I had to do.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Planning Storyboard for Crocs Commercial


First Scene

- the first scene will be an up-close shot of the product, the crocs. My actor will be wearing the shoes, simply posing. I want this clip to start off with a mid-jump. My commercial will jump into the camera but the camera will be angled at the Crocs. This scene will be located either on the pavement of a sidewalk or in grass.

Second Scene

- I will began to sell/ advertise my product. I want this scene to be a clip of actors running across the screen, wearing the crocs. This will also be an up-close shot and will only showcase the shoes. This will include about three actors and will be shot on pavement as well. Each actor will be wearing a pair of crocs and will have different colors. My alternative would be: one actor, one pair of crocs. I plan to bold the word "RUN" will bold across the screen, simultaneously.

Third Scene

- this scene is exactly like the one before except, "PLAY" will bold across the screen as showcase my actors participating in an activity. The activity will be volleyball and I will film this in sand. Considering my location is on the beach, I believe it is appropriate. This shot will be in tracking style. This time I will show my actors full body and maybe include a quick close up of crocs. 

Fourth Scene

- "EXERCISE" will bold across the screen this time. I will showcase a workout scene in the crocs. Actors will lift weights or jump rope in the products. This shot will be on pavement most likely, location wont be as important. 

Fifth Scene

- This is the last scene with actors in it. "FAMILY" will bold across the screen this time. I will definitely use more than one actor in this clip. Everyone will have a pair of crocs on, wearing different colors so show their versality. Actors will stand next to each other, lined up horizontally, wiggling their toes or simply engaging with one another to represent that sense of togetherness. 

Sixth Scene

- I will recreate the Crocs logo and include their phrase "come as you are." The background will be their signature light green and the Crocs logo and slogan will be white. This final clip will fade out into white or black screen.

*throughout the commercial those bolded phrases will be white, background music will play, and I do not plan to include a voiceover but I am willing to change that if commercial is not self-explanatory*

Friday, October 23, 2020

Planning for my Crocs commercial

Planning Blog:

I want my commercial to consist of everyday activities. So, I want to use sport balls, popsicles, and things to sit on like chairs or couches or benches.

My actors will wear comfortable clothing that correlates with the color of the Crocs. Attire will consist of jeans, graphic tees, hats, sunglasses, and maybe jewelry that would dress the ankle of my actors since some shots will be up-close.

On 10/22/2020, I did research on the conventions and codes in Croc commercials
On 10/23/2020, I planned the costumes, props and location of filming
On 10/25/2020, I began the storyboarding of my commercial, establishing the sequence of my film
On 10/27/2020, I began filming, getting all of my clips, will probably start editing
On 10/28/2020, I will began and finish editing between the 28th and 29th

I will use downtown, near the beach as my main set. There, I will record clips of my actor walking and participating in regular activities. I will use my home to film clips of the actor seeming comfortable and relaxed. 

I will bring all my props and my actor/actors. I want this commercial to reflect a simplistic, authentic scenery, so I do not plan to bring extra appliances or over complicate the recording process.

Backup Plan
My home can also be used as a backup location if I'm not satisfied with the beach scenes or I miss a couple shots. If for any reason I run into complications with actors, I will have an actor-less commercial. I will advertise the crocs using a stop-motion film technique. 

Research blog: Commercial Conventions

 Research: Commercial Conventions

I will be doing a Crocs commercial. These commercials are very simplistic. You'll see people sporting the shoes while doing everyday activities, dancing, or posing.

  • the dress code in these commercials are casual clothing that's comfortable, in-fashion and matches with the style and color of the Croc shoe.
  • props you'll see are everyday necessities such as: couches, bags, phones and food. You'll see walking equipment such as: strollers.
  • the appearance of the actors are delightful, they are smiling and expressing a happy mood as they complete simple, effortless tasks.
  • the sounds in these commercials are always dominated by an actual song, the song is upbeat and mellow. throughout the commercial the music is briefly used as a background for the actor to say slogans or encouraging lines.
  1. Commonly, you will find one-word phrases bolded across the screen in these commercials, these words are also repeated by the actor. Phrases like "beach" "paradise" "stylish" are used to describe the shoe and the versality of its wear.
  2. In these commercial they focus on the actor and the shoes. You will see up-close angles of the croc to show detailing. What I also noticed, was their use of celebrities as promotion, so you see a lot of shots of the actors sporting the shoe. 
  3. Crocs usually put their logo/brand at the end of the commercial, bolding it across the screen. Their slogan is: "Come As You Are."

Final Task CCR

Critical Reflection This my critical reflection for our final task. I decided the paint while simultaneously answering questions about the f...