Friday, December 11, 2020

Music Video CCR

Critical Reflection

In this genre of music and music videos, you usually only see the actors in the videos portray one kind of relationship. The relationship is usually a romantic one between a man and woman, traditionally. There isn't much interpretation on family relationships, acquainted relationships, or friend relationships. In media in general you don't get to see much discussion of these different relationships nor unusual relationships for that matter. My music video challenges that convention by choosing to tell a story of two best friends that enjoys each others' time and presence on a strictly friend basis. That is also what I love the most about the song I chose. I doesn't specify what kind of relationship is being referred but it is very clear, that it is about two people who have an unconditional love for one another. In media, black entertainment usually sticks to common storylines that misrepresents black people or POCs. There are so many music videos where they portray black women in a limelight of either fetishization or unflattering point-of-views. Though, they don't intend to mislead an audience, those music videos can build negative stigmas towards POCs for society to generalize amongst communities. For example, I have seen so many videos where they use a limited amount of black women to show a love for the community but the unfortunate part is: they are only praised if they fit standardized body types, facial features and skin complexions. Black women and women in general, are often exploited in these music videos for promotionally purposes. A lot of the time there is no real message behind these videos, its just an artist using looks and cliche songs to gain the attention of mainstream listeners. My music video paints a positive picture of two black young girls with a healthy friendship. Though the race of these ladies are not significant to the storyline, it is not very common to see people like them playing a role as such. As a POC like myself, I believe creating content like this would be refreshing in black communities, black entertainment, inclusive representation and mainstream video viewers. 

 Almost everyone has a best friend or someone they are super close with. Everyone has a person they wish they could spend every minute of the day with and that is the storyline I had intentions on conveying. Though my music video does not included the realistic downside of friendships, it does paint a picture of two people that cant get enough of each other. I think there's an audience of people that would enjoy and relate to this music video. Along with the point I brought in the previous paragraph, it would be refreshing to many people to see women and POCs in a different set of lights. With everything we have gone through and all the limitations we're experiencing as a nation, the audience will collectively feel the pain of not being able to see and hug their loved ones or simply not being able to enjoy the outside like they used to. This video intertwines the both of these missing interactions. Allowing the audience to think of better days or look forward to a future where quarantine isn't such a dismantling part of our lives. I would have the audiences watch this media on wide platforms like YouTube and music television channels such as MTV Hits and VH1 Top 20 Countdown. Youtube is places where many artists post their music and music videos and with the help of YouTube recommendations you now have a way to reach people who  may have no idea who the artist is, but share the same music taste. I personally, watch music TV channels and though they don't crater to your specific music taste, they display a plethora of music videos that you can watch hours at a time.

Production wise, I tried a new technique that I think I did pretty good at. I tried cutting scene for the first time and I'm really happy with the product. The practice I'm getting right now will help in the future when I begin the process of creating an actual film. In my last CCR, I talked about better the quality of my videos which I did not achieve in this project. I thought it was the resolution of my footage or the editing apps I would used. I did attempt to fix this by using an editing software rather than a mobile app, but I had very horrible luck in getting this software to install and work. So I tried to switch the app I used on my iPhone but that had no luck on bettering the videos quality. By the next project, I have hopes to find a different editing application that doesn't corrupt my quality once again. I did a little better on my transitions and editing, I made them less choppy but I would like them progress in complexity now. I also think I've progressed in storytelling, during this project I had a clearer idea on what I wanted, I just need to specify exactly how I wanted to send out the message. 

 I integrated technologies by using the internet to research and inspire my entire music video. If it were not for Google, YouTube and Blogger I would not have completed this project nor would I have been able to track my progress. Google being the most essential out of the three, they were the main source of the first half of my project. I used Google to understand conventions of R&B/Soul/Jazz. They helped me replicate bits and piece of music that I've also loved but did know much about. Along Google came YouTube as the right-hand man. YouTube helped me with analyzing techniques and elements in R&B/Soul/Jazz that I never paid attention to. I was able to binge a plethora of videos under the same genre and pick out what important elements I could include in my music video. YouTube was the main source of inspiration, especially when I would have difficulty thinking of ideas. It even helped me when I had difficulty production wise, I was able to watch videos that helped with camera and lighting tips. Blogger was not only a folder to store my proof of work but it has helped in organizing, planning, and tracking my progress through descriptive blogging. I enjoy blogging about my processes, it allows me retrace everything I've done and reflect the pros and cons. I get to look back at previous blogs for direction if I'm not feeling the creative or I get to look at the mistakes, making sure I don't make them again.

* POC = People Of Color

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