Monday, November 16, 2020

Research Blog: Music Video Conventions

  Research Blog:

The song I will use for my commercial is Love Again by Daniel Casear x Brandy. This song falls under the R&B/ Soul genre. My research process consisted of me binging this genre on Youtube and taking note of all the common techniques, elements, and sophistication of these music videos. One of the main things I noticed was that every video consisted of a love interest. Not only is this very common in the R&B genre but it is very common amongst music videos in general. I believe including a love interest well help me in conveying a storyline and establishing some kind of plot.

Another common element I noticed was slow motion video editing. This was most common in the early 90s R&B music videos and still used to a fair amount. Now in days, this technique is not as reccurring in the videos but without a doubt, you are expected to see it. Along with slo-mos, I noticed alot of cutting scenes of random objects that would corelate with the scenery of the video. What I mean is, in these videos I noticed brief scenes that did not consists of the actor nor did they necessarily add to the storyline. But, I believe they served a purpose of establishing the scenery, establishing the mood of the video. Depending on how you look at it, you could agrue that including scenes of the surroundings does help in conveying the mood or message of the story or song.

Some scenes you would find in music videos are the solo scenes of the artist lip syncing the song. This is very common, you could even classify them as essential. I dont intend on inluding this because my main proirity is to convey a storyline. I also should keep in mind the 1 minute limit I have to do so. Another common scene are closeup/ extreme close up of the actors faces. This is something I found very common in the early 90s videos and I think this technique would be very cool to use. So I will try close up shots on the actors faces and body language, if possibly.

All this information was very useful, I think I have a clear enough understanding on how I could recreate a R&B/Soul music video.

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