Sunday, November 1, 2020

Editing Blog: Recreating the Crocs Logo

 Editing Blog:

I did all my own editing and I did on my phone. I used an app called Videoleap which is where cut, aligned, and transitioned my clips. Before actually editing my commercial I went through all the videos had recorded the previous say and trashed whatever clips would not be used. I also trimmed some of the clips so when I put into my editing app it would be easier to find and got through. In the actual editing process, the first thing I did was adding the videos together and did excess trimming to the clip. I also was aware of how many seconds to make each scene, for sake of a 30 second long commercial. Mostly all of my clips required me to trim the beginning and the end, this helped the commercial "flow" without those awkward 2 seconds of my actors standing around, waiting for their que. I trimmed each scene to around 4 to 6 seconds and I believe they were long enough to relay the message I was going for. After cutting and aligning, I started putting in transitions. The transitions were minor and not after every clip. I used transitions for my first to second scene and for the outro clip of the products logo and slogan. These transition were fades and very easy to insert. After transition, I began to add the white bolded phrases I talked about in my storyboard blog. I simply added a text, with a normal font, made the color white, and upped the size of words, bolding them across the screen. I did this for 4 of the 6 scenes and each text was about 2-3 seconds long. 

The last thing I had to add to my commercial was the logo and slogan clip, which is at the end. Instead of googling their logo I decided to recreate it. This was mainly because I did not find a clear and satisfying version online. I wanted a white worded logo with a green background, so I remade it with an app called Phnoto. First thing I did was get the exact signature green the crocs company uses as a background. Then I found fonts that were almost identical to the actual Crocs logo, they weren't exactly the same but they didn't look to far off. Since their logo is pretty simple, this did not take long at all. I centered the words and changed the size a couple times and was all done. After, I put the photo in edited commercial and made its time about 5 seconds long. Last but not least, was the music. I literally went on Youtube and search "commercial songs" and found this song called Makeba by Jain. I overlaid the song on my commercial and was done with my editing process:). 

Here's my recreation of the Crocs logo and slogan:

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