Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Project Blog: Crocs Ad Commercial

Well this is my commercial. I am proud of it being it is my first film, but I am aware of how many improvements I could make. Something I would work on in the future is: my time management. I never took into account just how many days I had to conduct this project. I referred to my schedule majority of the time, but other time I waited until the last minute to either film or write these blogs. My procrastination did take a huge toll on me this time around but I am sure if it continues, it'll be a problem. What would change about the commercial is my setting. I dont like the location at all. I don't like how you can see so many irrelevant items in the background, such as: cars, houses and the dirty roads. I don't think it necessarily ruins my commercial but I would film infront a more satisfying background in the future. This is my first production so I don't expect myself to have a perfect commercial nor a professional looking video. With that being said, I do have a couple thing I am proud of. I am proud of my editing skills and duplication of products commercials. I liked the way I didnt overdo the editting/ edits which would be the transitions and texts. My commercial was smooth and pretty, self-explanatory. I also like the product of my commercial, as far as its comparison to an actual crocs commercial. I did a good amount of research that helped me understand the company's advertisment strategy. They usually showcase the versality of crocs in their colors and usability. I clearly, showcased this in my commercial. I focalised the shoe in action, which helps convey a message that this product is durable, fashionable, multipurposeful, and suitable for all ages (i included a variety of ages in this commercial). I didnt want to film my commercial as a storybook of "why you should buy these shoes" because it isnt a scheme used by the company. I wanted something straight to the point and relatable, which is why I based it off daily activities we all do. 

In conclusion, this project was an experience that I did enjoy. I will look back this blog to eliminate future mistakes and better myself as a creator. 


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