Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Genre Research: Thriller & Action

Thriller Research

Common CAMS: close-up | hand-held movement | point of view shot

Common CLAMPS: low lighting | isolated locations | weapons

Common Editing: jump cut | shot/reverse shot | graphic match

Example Films: Split(2016) | Obsessed(2009) | Ma(2019)

Common Sounds: sound effects | dialogue | suspenseful music

Elements I like: protagonist vs. antagonist | mystery | insane plot twist

Elements I dislike: ticking clocks | cliffhangers | death

Action Research

Common CAMS: establishing shot | wide angle | long shot | medium shot

Common CLAMPS: key light | fill light | backlight | explosions | cellphones

Common Editing: cutting on action | match cut | eyeline match

Example Films: Rampage(2018) | Aquaman(2018) | Captain Marvel(2019)

Common Sounds: dialogue | sound effects | background and music

Elements I Like: explosion or car chases | the climax

Elements I Dislike: stunt scenes, they look a little unrealistic | editing is not the best sometimes

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