Thursday, March 4, 2021

Production Blog: Adding a New Group Member

Production Blog

This is the week we began the filming process of our film. My group and I met to discuss what days worked best and we agreed to start this weekend. We did create a schedule but we had to rearrange film days to accommodate the already busy schedules we all have. One change we made to the schedule was postponing the second week of filming to the week after. So far we have still been finalizing our script and filming crew. I think a problem we might run into is getting all the members of the group to the same location, at the same time. Considering, we've already began rescheduling our dates and we haven't filmed anything yet. I just hope it doesn't take a toll on our organization nor our film. I do have an announcement though. We are no longer a group of two but of three! Recently, we added a new member to our group, Gabby. She is another friend of mine and I am excited to work with her. I haven't done many group projects with her but she has helped with designing scenes in both the shoot script and storyboard. We've gone over our participants list and gave Gabby the role as co-director and co-editor. Having an extra hand during this process will benefit drastically. We as a group with back to our intro & group blog to reintroduce our group members, including Gabby. The last update is where will begin our filming. We only have two filming locations and we will start at the park. We thought it would be a good idea to start with the furthest location first. The park is in a nearby city, not local.

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