Monday, February 22, 2021

Title Research: Lady in a Cage

Title Research

I found this movie on Arts of the title. It is a psychological thriller about an injured woman is trapped in her private elevator during a power failure, while her home is ransacked. I've noticed title sequence happen to reflect the current state of society. For instance when this film was made the country was experiencing a state of fear and unease due to the testing of nuclear weapons. In our case, I'm thinking we could give reference to the global pandemic we're all experiencing to reflect in our sequence or film. First they displayed the production company, then the movies title, then the starring actors and their characters, then the writers/ producer and director. This film is from the 1960s so the movie title were more minimalistic than it is today. The opening Paramount logo encased in vertical stripes — we’re made aware that this is a film envisioned as a whole, as an amalgam of parts fused to fit just so. The rest of the opening goes on to keep the momentum of animated stripes surrounding disturbing images. Images like a dead dog in street and a young girl gliding her roller skates on a guy's prostatic leg. These images are very uneasy and disturbing, which is prevalent to the country's state at the time. Obviously this images have a negative connotation. We gotten to a point where we understand a good thriller intertwines with the anxious feelings of discomfort. Considering the title sequence is supposedly foreshadowing the movies plot, I think they've done a great job at creating the apprehensive atmosphere. Also the music plays a part fitting the genre. The music is very untraditional to what thriller non-diegetic sound is now. The music is jazzy yet unaware of what is to come. From the music I would've grouped this movie under the mystery genre. There's a lot of zoom ins and close ups in this sequence, which is one of the elements of thriller films. You will also find establishing shots of the disturbing images we mentioned earlier.

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