Thursday, February 18, 2021

Genre Research: Glass

Genre Research

The movie Glass is under the thriller/ drama genre. It is classified as a psychological superhero thriller. The movie is about a secret society that tracks down and eliminates super-powered humans when they are a threat. The three main characters are: Kevin Crumbs, the man with 24 personalities, David Dunn, the overseer, and Elijah Price, the intelligent mastermind with fragile bones. These three possess unexplainable super powers and are targeted by the society. That is just the basic plot of the movie, without the mentioning of side characters and sections that play an important part in the movies finale. Being that this movies' purpose is to "thrill" an audience, it was very suspenseful majority of the time. At some point in the film it did began to fill like a mystery. I got that feeling from one of the characters, Elijah. Elijah was mute and unknowing for a large portion of the movie. That indication did play a part in building "thrill." One of the most noticeable elements shown in this movie was the non-diegetic sound. The background music for the very many suspenseful scenes increased my anticipation profusely. This is an element of thrill I intend on using in our film. I would even use sound directly from the film if I could. Being that this movie focused on multiple characters, they captured multiple point of views. I would use this technique to build complexity and interest in my film. Something interesting in this film was the indecisiveness of who was the actual "villain." I think the writers of this film really left the decision up to the audience but I did like that concept. I also intend on introducing our possible antagonist during our two minutes. Though I saw a lot of pros in this film, elements I didn't like was the lack of a cliffhanger (a personal enjoyment of mine) and the disappointing ending of "everybody dies." 

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